2.7.Character Data Type |
| 2.7.1. | Java char: char is 16 bit type and used to represent Unicode characters. Range of char is 0 to 65,536. |
| 2.7.2. | Escape Sequence Characters |
| 2.7.3. | Storing Characters |
| 2.7.4. | Assign int value to char variable |
| 2.7.5. | char variables behave like integers |
| 2.7.6. | Display printable Characters |
| 2.7.7. | Character: is Upper Case |
| 2.7.8. | Character: is Lower Case |
| 2.7.9. | isDigit(): true if the argument is a digit (0 to 9), and false otherwise. |
| 2.7.10. | Validate if a String contains only numbers |
| 2.7.11. | isLetter(): true if the argument is a letter, and false otherwise. |
| 2.7.12. | Count letters in a String |
| 2.7.13. | isLetterOrDigit(): true if the argument is a letter or a digit, and false otherwise. |
| 2.7.14. | is White space |
| 2.7.15. | Is character a digit, letter, white space, lower case or upper case character |
| 2.7.16. | Convert character to digit with Character.digit |
| 2.7.17. | Demonstrate several Is... methods. |
| 2.7.18. | Convert from ASCII code to String |
| 2.7.19. | Convert from integer to ASCII code (byte) |
| 2.7.20. | To extract Ascii codes from a String |
| 2.7.21. | Copy char array to string |
| 2.7.22. | Store unicode in a char variable |
| 2.7.23. | Determining a Character's Unicode Block |
| 2.7.24. | Plus one to char variable |
| 2.7.25. | Convert string to char array |
| 2.7.26. | Compare Two Java char Arrays |
| 2.7.27. | Max and Min values of datatype char |
| 2.7.28. | Determining If a String Is a Legal Java Identifier |
| 2.7.29. | compare two objects of Character |
| 2.7.30. | ASCII character handling functions |
| 2.7.31. | Checks if the string contains only ASCII printable characters. |
| 2.7.32. | Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic lower case. |
| 2.7.33. | Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic upper case. |
| 2.7.34. | Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic. |
| 2.7.35. | Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit control. |
| 2.7.36. | Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit numeric and character. |
| 2.7.37. | Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit numeric. |
| 2.7.38. | Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit printable. |
| 2.7.39. | Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit. |
| 2.7.40. | Determines if the specified string is permissible as a Java identifier. |
| 2.7.41. | Thansform an array of ASCII bytes to a string. the byte array should contains only values in [0, 127]. |
| 2.7.42. | Utility methods for ASCII character checking. |