Create another deque that contains a subrange of dq : deque « deque « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
#include <deque>

using namespace std;

void show(const char *msg, deque<int> q);

int main() {

  deque<int> dq(10);

  for(unsigned i=0; i < dq.size(); ++i) dq[i] = i*i;

  show("Contents of dq: ", dq);

  // Create another deque that contains a subrange of dq.
  deque<int> dq2(dq.begin()+2, dq.end()-4);

  // Display the contents of dq2 by using an iterator.
  show("dq2 contains a subrange of dq: ", dq2);
  cout << endl;

  return 0;
// Display the contents of a deque<int>.
void show(const char *msg, deque<int> q) {
  cout << msg;
  for(unsigned i=0; i < q.size(); ++i)
    cout << q[i] << " ";
  cout << "\n";

22.1.1.Use generic deque to store integers
22.1.2.deque for char type
22.1.3.Use generic deque to store chars
22.1.4.Use generic deque to store strings
22.1.5.Initialize deque with 26 copies of the letter x
22.1.6.Create another deque that contains a subrange of dq
22.1.7.create a deque
22.1.8.Use std::copy to print out all elements in a deque
22.1.9.deque.push_back( value )
22.1.10.deque.push_front( value )
22.1.11.Create your own stack based on deque
22.1.12.Constructing a Container with Values from the Standard Input
22.1.13.Combine insert and end to add elements to a deque