Working with a Queue of Integers : queue « queue stack « C++ Tutorial

#include <queue>
#include <iostream>

int main (){
    using namespace std;

    // A queue of integers
    queue <int> qIntegers;

    cout << "Inserting {10, 5, -1, 20} into the queue" << endl;

    // elements pushed into the queue are inserted at the end
    qIntegers.push (10);
    qIntegers.push (5);
    qIntegers.push (-1);
    qIntegers.push (20);
    // the elements in the queue now are {20, -1, 5, 10} in that order

    cout << "The queue contains " << qIntegers.size ();
    cout << " elements" << endl;
    cout << "Element at the front: " << qIntegers.front() << endl;
    cout << "Element at the back: " << qIntegers.back ();
    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "Removing them one after another..." << endl;
    while (qIntegers.size () != 0)
        cout << "Deleting element " << qIntegers.front () << endl;

        // Remove the element at the front of the queue
        qIntegers.pop ();

    cout << endl;

    // Test if the queue is empty
    if (qIntegers.empty ())
        cout << "The queue is now empty!";

    return 0;

21.2.1.Instantiating an STL Queue
21.2.2.Working with a Queue of Integers
21.2.3.A queue for strings: push, empty, front, pop
21.2.4.queue with doubles
21.2.5.queue: push, pop, front and size
21.2.7.Queue buffer
21.2.8.Using a queue to store user-defined object
21.2.9.Queue: push, pop and size