Finding and Erasing the First or Last Matching Element : list find « list « C++ Tutorial

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Publication
   Publication( string first_name = "", string last_name = "", string title = "", string journal = "", int year = 0 );
   bool operator<( const Publication& rhs ) const;
   // order by date

   string last_name() const;
   void print() const;
   // display publication data

   int year() const;


   string first_name_;
   string journal_;
   string last_name_;
   string title_;
   int year_;

Publication::Publication( string first_name, string last_name,
   string title, string journal, int year )
   : first_name_( first_name ), journal_( journal ),
      last_name_( last_name ), title_( title ), year_( year )

bool Publication::operator<( const Publication& rhs ) const
{  return year() < rhs.year(); }

string Publication::last_name() const
{  return last_name_; }

void Publication::print() const
   cout << last_name() << ", " << first_name_ << endl
      << title_ << endl << journal_ << ", " << year()
      << endl << endl;

int Publication::year() const
{  return year_; }

bool equals_last_name( const Publication publication,string last_name )
{  return publication.last_name() == last_name; }

int main( )
   list<Publication> publication;

   publication.push_back( Publication( "A", "B", "C","D", 1999 ) );

   publication.push_back( Publication( "E", "F","G","H", 1992 ) );

   publication.push_back( Publication( "I", "J","K","L", 1992 ) );


   cout << publication.size() << " PUBLICATIONS\n";
   for_each( publication.begin(), publication.end(),mem_fun_ref( &Publication::print ) );

   // find earliest publication by Reese
   string author( "A" );
   list<Publication>::iterator earliest = find_if( publication.begin(), publication.end(), bind2nd( ptr_fun( equals_last_name ), author ) );

   // if publication found, display and delete it
   if( earliest != publication.end() ) {
      cout << "\nEARLIEST PUBLICATION BY " << author << endl;
      publication.erase( earliest );
      cout << "NO PUBLICATIONS BY " << author << endl;

   // find latest publication by A
   list<Publication>::reverse_iterator latest = find_if( publication.rbegin(), publication.rend(), bind2nd( ptr_fun( equals_last_name ), author ) );

   // if publication found, display and delete it
   if( latest != publication.rend() ){
      cout << "\nLATEST PUBLICATION BY " << author << endl;
      publication.erase( --latest.base() );
      cout << "NO PUBLICATIONS BY " << author << endl;

   // display all remaining publications
   cout << "THERE ARE " << publication.size() << " PUBLICATIONS REMAINING\n";
   for_each( publication.begin(), publication.end(), mem_fun_ref( &Publication::print ) );

17.7.list find
17.7.1.Find element in a list
17.7.2.Finding and Erasing the First or Last Matching Element
17.7.3.Find the maximum element in a range in a list