Finding Size Information of a Container : list size « list « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main( )
   vector<double> v( 3, 10.0 );
   list<double> l( 3, 10.0 );

   cout << "Vector empty? " << boolalpha << v.empty()
      << "\nElements in vector: " << v.size()
      << "\nMaximum elements vector can hold: " << v.max_size()

      << "\n\nList empty? " << l.empty()
      << "\nElements in list: " << l.size()
      << "\nMaximum elements list can hold: " << l.max_size();

17.18.list size
17.18.1.Finding Size Information of a Container