string.size(), string.length, string.capacity(), string.max_size() : string size « string « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;
using std::boolalpha;

#include <string>
using std::string;

void display( const string & );

int main()
   string string1;
   cout << "Statistics before input:\n" << boolalpha;
   display( string1 );

   cout << "\n\nEnter a string: ";
   cin >> string1; // delimited by whitespace
   cout << "The string entered was: " << string1;

   cout << "\nStatistics after input:\n";
   display( string1 );

   return 0;

void display( const string &stringRef )
   cout << "capacity: " << stringRef.capacity() << "\nmax size: "  
      << stringRef.max_size() << "\nsize: " << stringRef.size()
      << "\nlength: " << stringRef.length() 
      << "\nempty: " << stringRef.empty();
Statistics before input:
capacity: 0
max size: 1073741820
size: 0
length: 0
empty: true

Enter a string: a string
The string entered was: a
Statistics after input:
capacity: 1
max size: 1073741820
size: 1
length: 1
empty: false"

15.21.string size
15.21.1.Use string.length() to check the string's size
15.21.2.Display the size of a string
15.21.4.string size grows
15.21.5.Display the maximum string length
15.21.6.Display the capacity of a string
15.21.7.Set the capacity of a string to 128.
15.21.8.string.size(), string.length, string.capacity(), string.max_size()
15.21.9.functions related to size and capacity