Using standard parameters in a template function : template function « template « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int TABWIDTH = 8;

template<class X> void f(X data, int tab)
    cout << 'tab=' << tab;
    cout << data << "\n";

int main()
  f("This is a test", 0);
  f(100, 1);
  f('X', 2);
  f(10/3, 3);

  return 0;
19525391970This is a test

13.2.template function
13.2.1.function template: GetMax
13.2.2.Function template: swapargs
13.2.3.template type
13.2.4.Using standard parameters in a template function
13.2.5.Overload a function template declaration
13.2.6.Function with generic parameters
13.2.7.template function to display the number limits
13.2.8.Overload template function
13.2.9.Specify template argument explicitly and implicitly
13.2.10.Namespace with template function
13.2.11.reference and non-reference template function
13.2.12.template function to print elements of an STL container
13.2.13.template function to get the maximum of three values of any type (call-by-reference)
13.2.14.template function to get the maximum of two values