Copying one file into another: : file utilities « File Stream « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>                                                     
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;                                                   

void print_error(const char*, const char* = " ");                      

int main(int argc, char* argv[])                                       
     if (3 != argc)
         print_error("usage: copy source dest");

     ifstream in( argv[1], ios::binary );                              
     if (!in)
          print_error( "can't open", argv[1] );

     ofstream out( argv[2], ios::binary );                             
     if (!out)
          print_error( "can't open", argv[2] );

     char ch;                                                          
     while ( in.get(ch) )                                              
          out.put( ch );                                               
     if ( !in.eof() )                                                  
          print_error("something strange happened");
     return 0;
void print_error(const char* p, const char* p2) {                      
     cerr << p << ' ' << p2 << '\n';                                   

12.7.file utilities
12.7.1.Use ifstream and ofstream to copy file
12.7.2.Check file status
12.7.3.Obtaining file size
12.7.4.A file comparision utility.
12.7.5.Get file information: size, device, creation time and last modification time
12.7.6.Count number of lines of all files passed as argument
12.7.7.Copying one file into another:
12.7.8.A simple file-comparison utility.