Overload operator plus (=) : overload assignment operator « Operator Overloading « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
 class MyType
     int GetAge() const { return *itsAge; }
     int GetWeight() const { return *itsWeight; }
     void SetAge(int age) { *itsAge = age; }
     MyType operator=(const MyType &);
     int *itsAge;
     int *itsWeight;
     itsAge = new int;
     itsWeight = new int;
     *itsAge = 5;
     *itsWeight = 9;
 MyType MyType::operator=(const MyType & rhs)
     if (this == &rhs)
         return *this;
     delete itsAge;
     delete itsWeight;
     itsAge = new int;
     itsWeight = new int;
     *itsAge = rhs.GetAge();
     *itsWeight = rhs.GetWeight();
     return *this;
 int main()
     MyType myObject;
     std::cout << "myObject's age: " << myObject.GetAge() << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Setting myObject to 6...\n";
     MyType whiskers;
     std::cout << "whiskers' age: " << whiskers.GetAge() << std::endl;
     std::cout << "copying myObject to whiskers...\n";
     whiskers = myObject;
     std::cout << "whiskers' age: " << whiskers.GetAge() << std::endl;
     return 0;
myObject's age: 5
Setting myObject to 6...
whiskers' age: 5
copying myObject to whiskers...
whiskers' age: 6

10.3.overload assignment operator
10.3.1.Overloading the copy assignment operator
10.3.2.Define -, + and = for the ThreeD class
10.3.3.Overload operator plus (=)
10.3.4.Overload assignment for Point
10.3.5.Use overloaded +=