Overloading class member functions : member method « Class « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
 class Rectangle
     Rectangle(int width, int height);
     // overloaded class function display
     void display() const;
     void display(int aWidth, int aHeight) const;
     int itsWidth;
     int itsHeight;
 Rectangle::Rectangle(int width, int height)
     itsWidth = width;
     itsHeight = height;
 void Rectangle::display() const
     display( itsWidth, itsHeight);
 void Rectangle::display(int width, int height) const
     for (int i = 0; i<height; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j< width; j++)
             std::cout << "+";
         std::cout << "\n";
 int main()
     Rectangle theRect(30,5);
     std::cout << "display(): \n";
     std::cout << "\ndisplay(40,2): \n";
     return 0;


9.4.member method
9.4.1.Declare a class with method
9.4.2.Implement class member function
9.4.3.The class member access operators . and ->
9.4.4.Overloading class member functions
9.4.5.Default values in member functions
9.4.6.Use class as the member function parameter type
9.4.7.member function overloading.
9.4.8.overloading two class member functions
9.4.9.overloading functions in base and derived classes