#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Cylinder; // a forward declaration
enum colors { red, green, yellow };
class Cube {
colors color;
Cube(colors c) { color = c; }
friend bool sameColor(Cube x, Cylinder y);
class Cylinder {
colors color;
Cylinder(colors c) { color= c; }
friend bool sameColor(Cube x, Cylinder y);
bool sameColor(Cube x, Cylinder y)
if(x.color == y.color)
return true;
return false;
int main()
Cube cube1(red);
Cube cube2(green);
Cylinder cyl(green);
if(sameColor(cube1, cyl))
cout << "cube1 and cyl are the same color.\n";
cout << "cube1 and cyl are different colors.\n";
if(sameColor(cube2, cyl))
cout << "cube2 and cyl are the same color.\n";
cout << "cube2 and cyl are different colors.\n";
return 0;
cube1 and cyl are different colors.
cube2 and cyl are the same color.