Use array as function's parameter : function parameters « Function « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream.h>

float Total(float a[],int num);

const int SIZE = 10;

       float * f = new float [SIZE];

       for (int i=0;i<SIZE;i++)
               f[i]=i+i;  //*(f+i)
       cout <<"Sum = "  << Total( f ,SIZE) <<endl;

       cout << "Average = " << Total(f,SIZE)/SIZE;
       delete []f;
       return 0 ;

float Total(float a[],int num)
       int i;
       float sum = 0;
       for (i=0; i<num ; i++)
               sum += a[i];
       return sum;
Sum = 90
Average = 9"

7.3.function parameters
7.3.1.Passing int by value
7.3.2.Define function to accept three int parameters
7.3.3.Pass a pointer to a function.
7.3.4.Pass variable address to a function
7.3.5.Pass int array to a function
7.3.6.Declare int array parameter for a function without indicating the array length
7.3.7.Function parameter: Use int pointer to accept an array
7.3.8.Use array as function's parameter
7.3.9.Change the contents of an array using a function
7.3.10.Pass a string to a function: Invert the case of the letters within a string
7.3.11.Change a call-by-value parameter does not affect the argument
7.3.12.Demonstrate the pointer version of swap(): Exchange the values of the variables pointed to by x and y
7.3.13.Using reference parameters
7.3.14.Passing a two-dimensional array to a function
7.3.15.Passing an array to a function
7.3.16.var args has to be the last one
7.3.17.the use of ... and its support macros va_arg, va_start, and va_end
7.3.18.Handling an array parameter as a pointer