Return a value from a function : function return « Function « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int box(int length, int width, int height); // return the volume 
int main() 
  int answer; 
  answer = box(10, 11, 3); // assign return value 
  cout << "The volume is " <<  answer; 
  return 0; 
// This function returns a value.  
int box(int length, int width, int height) 
  return length * width * height ; 
The volume is 330

7.8.function return
7.8.1.Return void from a function
7.8.2.void function with return statement
7.8.3.Return a value from a function
7.8.4.Return a double value from a function
7.8.5.Return a pointer from a function
7.8.6.Multiple return statements in a function
7.8.7.Returning multiple values from a function using pointer
7.8.8.More than one returning value
7.8.9.Returning a reference
7.8.10.Return class instance from a function