Proper use of braces with an if statement : if statement « Operators statements « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
 int main()
     int x = 12;
     if (x > 10)
         if (x > 100)
             std::cout << "More than 100, Thanks!\n";
     else        // now works as intended!
         std::cout << "Less than 10, Thanks!\n";
     return 0;

3.13.if statement
3.13.1.if statement with variable logic operators
3.13.2.if with else
3.13.3.A nested if tatement
3.13.4.Proper use of braces with an if statement
3.13.5.A block of code in if statement
3.13.6.If statement with else
3.13.7.Use an int value to control the if
3.13.8.If else statement with block code
3.13.9.An if-else-if ladder.