Compound interest calculations with for : for loop « Operators statements « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::fixed;

#include <iomanip>
using std::setw;
using std::setprecision;

#include <cmath>
using std::pow; 

int main()
   double amount;
   double principal = 1000.0;
   double rate = .05; 

   cout << "Year" << setw( 21 ) << "Amount on deposit" << endl;

   cout << fixed << setprecision( 2 );

   for ( int year = 1; year <= 10; year++ ) 
      amount = principal * pow( 1.0 + rate, year );
      cout << setw( 4 ) << year << setw( 21 ) << amount << endl;

   return 0;
Year    Amount on deposit
   1              1050.00
   2              1102.50
   3              1157.63
   4              1215.51
   5              1276.28
   6              1340.10
   7              1407.10
   8              1477.46
   9              1551.33
  10              1628.89

3.15.for loop
3.15.1.Simplest for loop statement
3.15.2.A conversion table of feet to meters
3.15.3.Use multiple statements in for loops
3.15.4.Display the alphabet: use char to control for loop
3.15.5.A negatively running for loop
3.15.6.Loop until a random number that is greater than 20,000.
3.15.7.A for loop with no increment
3.15.8.The body of a for loop can be empty
3.15.9.Declare loop control variable inside the for
3.15.10.Use nested for loops to find factors of numbers between 2 and 100
3.15.11.For loops with null statements
3.15.12.empty for loop statement
3.15.13.Compound interest calculations with for
3.15.14.Floating point control in a for loop
3.15.15.Generating multiplication tables