Show standard time and date string : time « Data Types « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  char str[64];

  // Get the current system time.
  time_t t = time(NULL);

  // Show standard time and date string.
  strftime(str, 64, "%c", localtime(&t));
  cout << "Standard format: " << str << endl;

  return 0;

2.33.1.Displays the current date and time
2.33.2.Show standard time and date string
2.33.3.Show a custom time and date string
2.33.4.%c specifies the standard time and date pattern
2.33.5.The strftime( ) Format Specifiers
2.33.6.Convert now to tm struct for UTC
2.33.7.Set the locale to US and get the time_put facet for US
2.33.8.Set the locale to Germany, Show standard time and date string
2.33.9.custom pattern displays hours and minutes followed by the date
2.33.10.Set the locale to Germany and get the time_put facet for Germany
2.33.11.Demonstrating the use of the localtime( ) and asctime( ) functions.
2.33.12.Demonstrating the use of the gmtime( ) and asctime( ) functions.
2.33.13.use of the strftime( ) function.
2.33.14.Demonstrating the use of the ctime( ) function.
2.33.15.Convert now to tm struct for local timezone