Reverse string case using pointer arithmetic : char pointer « Data Types « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream> 
#include <cctype> 
using namespace std; 
int main() 
  char *p; 
  char str[80] = "This Is A Test"; 
  cout << "Original string: " << str << "\n"; 
  p = str; // assign p the address of the start of the array 
  while(*p) { 
      *p = tolower(*p); 
    else if(islower(*p)) 
      *p = toupper(*p); 
  cout << "Inverted-case string: " << str; 
  return 0; 
Original string: This Is A Test
Inverted-case string: tHIS iS a tEST

2.21.char pointer
2.21.1.Reverse string case using pointer arithmetic
2.21.2.Printing the address stored in a char * variable
2.21.3.Display value of char *, then display value of char static_cast to void *
2.21.4.Converting lowercase letters to uppercase letters using a pointer
2.21.5.Printing a string one character at a time using a pointer