Read float number from console : float read « Data Types « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
 float Convert(float);
 int main()
     float TempFer;
     float TempCel;
     std::cout << "Please enter the temperature in Fahrenheit: ";
     std::cin >> TempFer;
     TempCel = Convert(TempFer);
     std::cout << "\nHere's the temperature in Celsius: ";
     std::cout << TempCel << std::endl;
     return 0;
 float Convert(float TempFer)
     float TempCel;
     TempCel = ((TempFer - 32) * 5) / 9;
     return TempCel;
Please enter the temperature in Fahrenheit: 12

Here's the temperature in Celsius: -11.1111

2.10.float read
2.10.1.Read float number from console
2.10.2.Read float numbers and assign them to an array