Put int and float into a union : union « Data Types « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
using namespace std; 
int main(void){
     int my_data;
     float his_data;

   my_data = 3;

   cout << "Value of my_data is " << my_data;

   his_data = 1.2345;

   cout << "\nValue of his_data is " << his_data;

2.35.1.An example of a union
2.35.2.Put int and float into a union
2.35.3.A union with method
2.35.4.An anonymous union.
2.35.5.A union is created with several data types.
2.35.6.Using an anonymous union: members integer1, double1 and charPtr share the same space
2.35.7.Unions and Classes Are Related