Bitwise operators: Complement, AND, OR : binary bit « Data Types « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::setfill;
using std::setw;

int main() {
  unsigned long red = 0XFF0000UL;      // Color red
  unsigned long white = 0XFFFFFFUL;    // Color white - RGB all maximum

  cout << std::hex;                    // Set hexadecimal output format
  cout << setfill('0');                // Set fill character for output

  cout << "\nTry out bitwise AND and OR operators.";
  cout << "\nInitial value  red         = " << setw(8) << red;
  cout << "\nComplement    ~red         = " << setw(8) << ~red;

  cout << "\nInitial value  white       = " << setw(8) << white;
  cout << "\nComplement    ~white       = " << setw(8) << ~white;

  cout << "\n Bitwise AND   red & white = " << setw(8) << (red & white);
  cout << "\n Bitwise OR    red | white = " << setw(8) << (red | white);

  return 0;
Try out bitwise AND and OR operators.
Initial value  red         = 00ff0000
Complement    ~red         = ff00ffff
Initial value  white       = 00ffffff
Complement    ~white       = ff000000
 Bitwise AND   red & white = 00ff0000
 Bitwise OR    red | white = 00ffffff

2.13.binary bit
2.13.1.Printing an unsigned integer in bits
2.13.2.Display the bits within a byte.
2.13.3.Bitwise operators: Complement, AND, OR
2.13.4.Bitwise operator: ^
2.13.5.Use masks to select or set a particular flag bit