A cast to float : cast « Data Types « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int main(){ 
  int i; 
  for(i=1; i <= 10; ++i ) 
    cout << i << "/ 2 is: " << (float) i / 2 << '\n'; 
  return 0; 
1/ 2 is: 0.5
2/ 2 is: 1
3/ 2 is: 1.5
4/ 2 is: 2
5/ 2 is: 2.5
6/ 2 is: 3
7/ 2 is: 3.5
8/ 2 is: 4
9/ 2 is: 4.5
10/ 2 is: 5

2.30.1.A cast to float
2.30.2.Ambiguous function call when data type casting from int to char and unsigned char
2.30.3.Ambiguous function call when data type casting from int to double and float
2.30.4.reinterpret_cast operator: cast from void * to unsigned *
2.30.5.reinterpret_cast operator: use reinterpret_cast to cast a char * pointer to unsigned
2.30.6.reinterpret_cast operator: cast unsigned back to char *
2.30.7.Using Explicit Casts