DataSet Read with SqlDataAdapter : DataSet « ADO.Net « C# / CSharp Tutorial

using System;
using System.Data;            
using System.Data.SqlClient;  
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      SqlConnection thisConnection = new SqlConnection(
                @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;" +
                @"AttachDbFilename='NORTHWND.MDF';" +
                @"Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=true");

      SqlDataAdapter thisAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT CustomerID, ContactName FROM Customers", thisConnection);
      DataSet thisDataSet = new DataSet();

      thisAdapter.Fill(thisDataSet, "Customers");
      foreach (DataRow theRow in thisDataSet.Tables["Customers"].Rows)
        Console.WriteLine(theRow["CustomerID"] + "\t" +theRow["ContactName"]);

32.35.1.Simple Query Dataset
32.35.2.Fill a DataSet
32.35.3.Find Rows In Data
32.35.4.Load XML to DataSet
32.35.5.DataSet Merge event
32.35.6.Merge two DataSet
32.35.7.Creating a Strongly Typed DataSet
32.35.8.DataSet Read with SqlDataAdapter
32.35.9.DataSet.DataTable count
32.35.10.DataSet.DataTable name
32.35.11.Mapping Table and Column Names Between a Data Source and DataSet
32.35.12.Retrieving Schema and Constraints for a DataSet
32.35.13.Read schema and reload data with DataSet
32.35.14.Navigating Between Parent and Child Tables in an Untyped DataSet
32.35.15.Multitabled DataSet App