Handles CheckBox Indeterminate events when a CheckBox changes to a indeterminate state. : CheckBox Event « Windows Presentation Foundation « C# / CSharp Tutorial

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
    Title="WPF" Height="250" Width="300">
    <StackPanel Name="panel">
                  Content="Third CheckBox (Tri-State Enabled)" 
                  Indeterminate="CheckBox_Indeterminate"  IsChecked="True" 
                  IsThreeState="True" Margin="2" Name="checkbox3" 
        <Button Content="Get Selected" Margin="5" MaxWidth="100" 
                Click="Button_Click" />
        <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Text="Selected CheckBoxes:" />
        <ListBox Margin="5" MinHeight="2cm" Name="listbox" />
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace WpfApplication1
    public partial class Window1 : Window
        public Window1()
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            foreach (CheckBox checkbox in panel.Children.OfType<CheckBox>().Where( cb => cb.IsChecked == true))
        private void CheckBox_Indeterminate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!IsInitialized) return;

            CheckBox checkbox = e.OriginalSource as CheckBox;

            if (checkbox != null)
                MessageBox.Show(checkbox.Name + " is indeterminate.", Title);

WPF Handles Check Box Indeterminate Events When A Check Box Changes To A Indeterminate State

24.18.CheckBox Event
24.18.1.Create a CheckBox and link event handlerCreate a CheckBox and link event handler
24.18.2.Handles CheckBox Indeterminate events when a CheckBox changes to a indeterminate state.Handles CheckBox Indeterminate events when a CheckBox changes to a indeterminate state.
24.18.3.Handle CheckBox Unchecked eventsHandle CheckBox Unchecked events
24.18.4.Handle CheckBox checked eventsHandle CheckBox checked events
24.18.5.Use Linq to get checked CheckBoxUse Linq to get checked CheckBox
24.18.6.Check the CheckBox based on key pressed statesCheck the CheckBox based on key pressed states