Dock both menu and Toolbar to the top of a panel : Menu « Windows Presentation Foundation « C# / CSharp Tutorial

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;

public class MeetTheDockers : Window
    public static void Main()
        Application app = new Application();
        app.Run(new MeetTheDockers());
    public MeetTheDockers()
        DockPanel dock = new DockPanel();
        Content = dock;

        Menu menu = new Menu();
        MenuItem item = new MenuItem();
        item.Header = "Menu";

        DockPanel.SetDock(menu, Dock.Top);

        ToolBar tool = new ToolBar();
        tool.Header = "Toolbar";

        DockPanel.SetDock(tool, Dock.Top);

24.35.1.File menuFile menu
24.35.2.Menu and MenuItemMenu and MenuItem
24.35.3.Menu With Sub headingMenu With Sub heading
24.35.4.A main menuA main menu
24.35.5.MenuItems with CommandsMenuItems with Commands
24.35.6.Menu item with shortcut and access keyMenu item with shortcut and access key
24.35.7.Window with Menu, ToolBar, StatusBarWindow with Menu, ToolBar, StatusBar
24.35.8.MenuItem Commands And EventsMenuItem Commands And Events
24.35.9.Add MenuItem to MenuAdd MenuItem to Menu
24.35.10.MenuItem opened eventMenuItem opened event
24.35.11.Use MenuItem.Tag to store user objectUse MenuItem.Tag to store user object
24.35.12.Format TextBox with MenuItem: normal, bold, italicFormat TextBox with MenuItem: normal, bold, italic
24.35.13.MenuBar and ToolBarMenuBar and ToolBar
24.35.14.Add Menu to NavigationWindow ContentAdd Menu to NavigationWindow Content
24.35.15.Menu item action handlerMenu item action handler
24.35.16.Add Menu to the Top of a DockPanel
24.35.17.Create Menu and Add MenuItem
24.35.18.Dock both menu and Toolbar to the top of a panel