Change MinHeight : Rectangle « Windows Presentation Foundation « C# / CSharp Tutorial

<Window xmlns=""
    Title="Height Properties Sample">
  <StackPanel Margin="10">
      <Canvas Height="200" MinWidth="200" Name="myCanvas">
           <Rectangle HorizontalAlignment="Center" Canvas.Top="50" Canvas.Left="50"  Name="rect1" Fill="#4682b4" Height="100" Width="100"/>
      <Button Name="Button1" Click="clipRect">Canvas.ClipToBounds="True"</Button>
      <Button Name="Button2" Margin="0,5,5,5" Click="unclipRect">Canvas.ClipToBounds="False"</Button>
  <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" Margin="10,0,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap">Set the Rectangle MinHeight:</TextBlock>
    <ListBox Grid.Column="3" Grid.Row="1" Margin="10,0,0,0" Height="50" Width="50" SelectionChanged="changeMinHeight">



using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;

namespace Height_MinHeight_MaxHeight
  public partial class Window1 : Window
        public void changeMinHeight(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs args)
            ListBoxItem li = ((sender as ListBox).SelectedItem as ListBoxItem);
            Double sz1 = Double.Parse(li.Content.ToString());
            rect1.MinHeight = sz1;
            Console.WriteLine("ActualHeight is set to " + rect1.ActualHeight);
            Console.WriteLine("Height is set to " + rect1.Height);
            Console.WriteLine("MinHeight is set to " + rect1.MinHeight);
            Console.WriteLine("MaxHeight is set to " + rect1.MaxHeight);

        public void clipRect(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
            myCanvas.ClipToBounds = true;
            Console.WriteLine("Canvas.ClipToBounds is set to " + myCanvas.ClipToBounds);
        public void unclipRect(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
            myCanvas.ClipToBounds = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Canvas.ClipToBounds is set to " + myCanvas.ClipToBounds);
WPF Change Min Height

24.91.1.A rectangle with curved cornersA rectangle with curved corners
24.91.2.Paints a rectangle with a grid pattern with VisualBrushPaints a rectangle with a grid pattern with VisualBrush
24.91.3.Paints a rectangle with a checkered pattern.Paints a rectangle with a checkered pattern.
24.91.4.Paints a rectangle with a grid patternPaints a rectangle with a grid pattern
24.91.5.Two of the drawing's rectangles are painted with an ImageBrush, creating a checkered pattern of imagesTwo of the drawing's rectangles are painted with an ImageBrush, creating a checkered pattern of images
24.91.6.Fill rectangle with Rectangle.Fill tag and LinearGradientBrushFill rectangle with Rectangle.Fill tag and LinearGradientBrush
24.91.7.Pulsating RectanglePulsating Rectangle
24.91.8.Rectangle Geometry DemoRectangle Geometry Demo
24.91.9.Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 5Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 5
24.91.10.Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 10 (X) and 25 (Y)Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 10 (X) and 25 (Y)
24.91.11.Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 100 (X) and 60 (Y)Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 100 (X) and 60 (Y)
24.91.12.A rectangle with a rotate transformationA rectangle with a rotate transformation
24.91.13.Trigger animation with Rectangle.MouseEnterTrigger animation with Rectangle.MouseEnter
24.91.14.Trigger animation with Rectangle.MouseLeaveTrigger animation with Rectangle.MouseLeave
24.91.15.Rectangle.Fill with ImageBrushRectangle.Fill with ImageBrush
24.91.16.Adding Rectangle to StackPanelAdding Rectangle to StackPanel
24.91.17.Create rectangles in WPF.Create rectangles in WPF.
24.91.18.Rectangle mouse down eventRectangle mouse down event
24.91.19.Rectangle mouse down previewRectangle mouse down preview
24.91.20.Change HeightChange Height
24.91.21.Change MinHeightChange MinHeight
24.91.22.Change MaxHeightChange MaxHeight