ListBox Selection Mode : ListBox « GUI Windows Forms « C# / CSharp Tutorial

ListBox Selection Mode
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public class ListBoxSelectionMode : Form
  ListBox lb;
  RadioButton rdoMultiExtended;
  RadioButton rdoMultiSimple;
  RadioButton rdoMultiOne;
  TextBox txtTop;
  Button btnTop;

  public ListBoxSelectionMode()
    int xSize, ySize;

    Size = new Size(300,400);

    lb = new ListBox();
    lb.Parent = this;
    lb.Location = new Point(10,10);
    lb.Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 20, Height - 200);
    lb.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
    lb.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
    lb.MultiColumn = true;
    lb.ScrollAlwaysVisible = true;

    GroupBox grpMulti = new GroupBox();
    grpMulti.Parent = this;
    grpMulti.Text = "MultiSelect";
    grpMulti.Location = new Point(lb.Left, lb.Bottom + 25);
    grpMulti.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;

    rdoMultiOne = new RadioButton();
    rdoMultiOne.Parent = grpMulti;
    rdoMultiOne.Text = "One";
    rdoMultiOne.Tag = SelectionMode.One;
    rdoMultiOne.Checked = true;
    rdoMultiOne.Location = new Point(10,15);
    rdoMultiOne.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(rdoMulti_CheckedChanged);

    rdoMultiSimple = new RadioButton();
    rdoMultiSimple.Parent = grpMulti;
    rdoMultiSimple.Text = "Multi-Simple";
    rdoMultiSimple.Tag = SelectionMode.MultiSimple;
    rdoMultiSimple.Location = new Point(10, rdoMultiOne.Bottom);
    rdoMultiSimple.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(rdoMulti_CheckedChanged);

    rdoMultiExtended = new RadioButton();
    rdoMultiExtended.Parent = grpMulti;
    rdoMultiExtended.Text = "Multi-Extended";
    rdoMultiExtended.Tag = SelectionMode.MultiExtended;
    rdoMultiExtended.Location = new Point(10, rdoMultiSimple.Bottom);
    rdoMultiExtended.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(rdoMulti_CheckedChanged);

    xSize = (int)(Font.Height * .75) * rdoMultiExtended.Text.Length;
    ySize = ((int)rdoMultiOne.Height * 3) + 20;
    grpMulti.Size = new Size(xSize, ySize);

    Panel pnlTop = new Panel();
    pnlTop.Parent = this;
    pnlTop.Location = new Point(lb.Left, grpMulti.Bottom + 10);
    pnlTop.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;

    Label lblTop = new Label();
    lblTop.Parent = pnlTop;
    lblTop.Text = "TopIndex: ";
    xSize = ((int)(Font.Height * .5) * lblTop.Text.Length);
    lblTop.Size = new Size(xSize, Font.Height + 10);

    txtTop = new TextBox();
    txtTop.Parent = pnlTop;
    txtTop.Location = new Point(lblTop.Right, lblTop.Top);
    txtTop.Text = lb.TopIndex.ToString();
    txtTop.Size = new Size((int)(Font.Height * .75) * 3, 
                Font.Height + 10);

    btnTop = new Button();
    btnTop.Parent = pnlTop;
    btnTop.Text = "Update";
    btnTop.Location = new Point(txtTop.Right + 10, txtTop.Top);
    btnTop.Click += new System.EventHandler(btnTop_Click);


  static void Main() 
    Application.Run(new ListBoxSelectionMode());

  private void rdoMulti_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadioButton rdo = (RadioButton)sender;
    lb.SelectionMode = (SelectionMode)rdo.Tag;

  private void btnTop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    txtTop.Text = lb.TopIndex.ToString();

23.27.1.Set the TopIndex property of the ListBox to ensure the most recently added items are visibleSet the TopIndex property of the ListBox to ensure the most recently added items are visible
23.27.2.Add Items to ListBoxAdd Items to ListBox
23.27.3.Add ContextMenu to ListBoxAdd ContextMenu to ListBox
23.27.4.ListBox Items AddListBox Items Add
23.27.5.ListBox Items Add a RangeListBox Items Add a Range
23.27.6.ListBox Selection ModeListBox Selection Mode
23.27.7.Use RadioButton to control ListBox selection modeUse RadioButton to control ListBox selection mode
23.27.8.ListBox Events: SelectedIndexChanged, SelectedValueChanged, DataSourceChanged, DisplayMemberChanged, ValueMemberChanged
23.27.9.Add text in the TextBox to the ListBox
23.27.10.Fills a ListBox with data from Database