Events: Custom Add and Remove with Global delegate cache. : event « GUI Windows Forms « C# / CSharp Tutorial

// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson
// From A Programmer's Introduction to C# 2.0, Third Edition

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

// Global delegate cache. Uses a two-level hashtable. The delegateStore hashtable 
// stores a hashtable keyed on the object instance, and the instance hashtable is 
// keyed on the unique key. This allows fast tear-down of the object when it's destroyed.
public class DelegateCache
    private DelegateCache() {}    // nobody can create one of these
    Hashtable delegateStore = new Hashtable();    // top level hash table
    static DelegateCache dc = new DelegateCache();    // our single instance
    Hashtable GetInstanceHash(object instance)
        Hashtable instanceHash = (Hashtable) delegateStore[instance];
        if (instanceHash == null)
            instanceHash = new Hashtable();
            delegateStore[instance] = instanceHash;
    public static void Combine(Delegate myDelegate, object instance, object key)
            Hashtable instanceHash = dc.GetInstanceHash(instance);        
            instanceHash[key] = Delegate.Combine((Delegate) instanceHash[key],
    public static void Remove(Delegate myDelegate, object instance, object key)
            Hashtable instanceHash = dc.GetInstanceHash(instance);        
            instanceHash[key] = Delegate.Remove((Delegate) instanceHash[key],
    public static Delegate Fetch(object instance, object key)
        Hashtable instanceHash = dc.GetInstanceHash(instance);        
        return((Delegate) instanceHash[key]);
    public static void ClearDelegates(object instance)

public class Button
    public void TearDown()
    public delegate void ClickHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
    static object clickEventKey = new object();
    public event ClickHandler Click
            DelegateCache.Combine(value, this, clickEventKey);
            DelegateCache.Remove(value, this, clickEventKey);
    protected void OnClick()
        ClickHandler ch = (ClickHandler) DelegateCache.Fetch(this, clickEventKey);
        if (ch != null)
        ch(this, null);
    public void SimulateClick()

class Test
    static public void ButtonHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Button clicked");
    public static void Main()
        Button button = new Button();
        button.Click += new Button.ClickHandler(ButtonHandler);
        button.Click -= new Button.ClickHandler(ButtonHandler);
Button clicked

23.64.2.Using Event Accessors
23.64.3.Event and event handler
23.64.4.Use delegate to handle events
23.64.5.Fire event in property setter
23.64.6.Events: add and remove functions for a private delegate event
23.64.7.Events: add and remove functions
23.64.8.Events add and remove with synchronized block
23.64.9.Events: Custom Add and Remove with Global delegate cache.
23.64.10.A .NET-compatible event
23.64.11.Use the built-in EventHandler delegate
23.64.12.Use an anonymous method as an event handler
23.64.13.Ignored Parameters Anonymous Methods for Button click, kepressed and mouse clicked action
23.64.14.Events and form controls