Create a font from font name and size : Font « GUI Windows Forms « C# / CSharp Tutorial

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class FontConstructor2 : Form
  public FontConstructor2()
        Text = "Font Constructor";
    Size = new Size(350,200);

    Font fnt = new Font("Times New Roman", 10);
    fnt = new Font(fnt, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic);
    Font = fnt;

    RichTextBox rtxt = new RichTextBox();
    rtxt.Text = "first line.\n" +
          "This is a second line of text.";
    rtxt.Text += "\nFont Name:\t" + Font.Name;
    rtxt.Text += "\nFont Family:\t" + Font.FontFamily;
    rtxt.Text += "\nFont Styles:\t" + Font.Style;
    rtxt.Text += "\nFont Size:\t" + Font.Size;
    rtxt.Text += "\nFont Height:\t" + Font.Height;
    rtxt.Text += "\nFont Units:\t" + Font.Unit;
    rtxt.Multiline = true;
    rtxt.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
    rtxt.Parent = this;

  static void Main() 
    Application.Run(new FontConstructor2());


23.70.1.Font Constructor: derive a fontFont Constructor: derive a font
23.70.2.RichTextBox: MultilineRichTextBox: Multiline
23.70.3.Create a font from font name and size
23.70.4.Create a font from FontFamilyCreate a font from FontFamily
23.70.5.Use GraphicsUnit to create fontUse GraphicsUnit to create font
23.70.6.List all Font FamiliesList all Font Families
23.70.7.Font PropertiesFont Properties
23.70.8.Font list formFont list form