Dining Philosopher : Thread DeadLock « Thread « C# / CSharp Tutorial

Quote from 

C# and the .NET Framework
by Bob Powell 

using System;
using System.Threading;

public struct PhilosopherData {
  public int        PhilosopherId;
  public Mutex      RightChopStick;
  public Mutex      LeftChopStick;
  public int        AmountToEat;
  public int        TotalFood;

public class Philosopher : WorkerThread
  public Philosopher( object data ) : base( data ) { }

  protected override void Run( ) {
    PhilosopherData pd = (PhilosopherData)Data;
    Random r = new Random( pd.PhilosopherId );
    Console.WriteLine("Philosopher {0} ready", pd.PhilosopherId );
    WaitHandle[] chopSticks =  new WaitHandle[] { pd.LeftChopStick, pd.RightChopStick };

    while( pd.TotalFood > 0 ) {
      //Get both chop sticks
      WaitHandle.WaitAll( chopSticks );
      Console.WriteLine("Philosopher {0} eating {1} of {2} food", pd.PhilosopherId, pd.AmountToEat, pd.TotalFood );
      pd.TotalFood -= pd.AmountToEat;
      Thread.Sleep( r.Next(1000,5000) );
      //Release the chopsticks
      Console.WriteLine("Philosopher {0} thinking", pd.PhilosopherId);
      pd.RightChopStick.ReleaseMutex( );
      pd.LeftChopStick.ReleaseMutex( );

      //Think for a random time length
      Thread.Sleep( r.Next(1000,5000) );
    Console.WriteLine("Philosopher {0} finished", pd.PhilosopherId );

public class Restaurant {

  public static void Main( ) {
    Mutex[] chopSticks = new Mutex[5];

    //init the chopSticks
    for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
      chopSticks[i] = new Mutex( false );
    //Create the Five Philosophers
    for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
      PhilosopherData pd;
      pd.PhilosopherId = i + 1;
      pd.RightChopStick = chopSticks[ i - 1 >= 0 ? ( i - 1 ) : 4 ];
      pd.LeftChopStick = chopSticks[i];
      pd.AmountToEat = 5;
      pd.TotalFood = 35;
      Philosopher p = new Philosopher( pd );
      p.Start( );

    Console.ReadLine( );
public abstract class WorkerThread {

  private object  ThreadData;
  private Thread  thisThread;

  public object Data {
    get { return ThreadData; }
    set { ThreadData = value; }

  public object IsAlive {
    get { return thisThread == null ? false : thisThread.IsAlive; }

  /// <summary>
  /// Constructors
  /// </summary>

  public WorkerThread( object data ) {
    this.ThreadData = data;

  public WorkerThread( ) {
    ThreadData = null;

  /// <summary>
  /// Public Methods
  /// </summary>
  /// <summary>
  /// Start the worker thread
  /// </summary>
  public void Start( ) {
    thisThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( this.Run ) );

  /// <summary>
  /// Stop the current thread.  Abort causes
  /// a ThreadAbortException to be raised within
  /// the thread
  /// </summary>
  public void Stop( ) {
    thisThread.Abort( );
    while( thisThread.IsAlive ) ;
    thisThread = null;

  /// <summary>
  /// To be implemented by derived threads
  /// </summary>
  protected abstract void Run( );
Philosopher 1 ready
Philosopher 1 eating 5 of 35 food
Philosopher 2 ready
Philosopher 3 ready
Philosopher 3 eating 5 of 35 food
Philosopher 4 ready
Philosopher 5 ready
Philosopher 1 thinking
Philosopher 5 eating 5 of 35 food
Philosopher 3 thinking
Philosopher 2 eating 5 of 35 food
Philosopher 5 thinking
Philosopher 4 eating 5 of 35 food
^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)? n

20.13.Thread DeadLock
20.13.1.Dining Philosopher
20.13.2.A sure-fire deadlock