Life without generics : Introduction « Generic « C# / CSharp Tutorial

using System; 
class NonGen {  
  object ob;
  public NonGen(object o) {  
    ob = o;  
  public object getob() {  
    return ob;  
  public void showType() {  
    Console.WriteLine("Type of ob is " + ob.GetType()); 
class MainClass {  
  public static void Main() {  
    NonGen iOb = new NonGen(102);  
    int v = (int) iOb.getob();  
    Console.WriteLine("value: " + v);  
    NonGen strOb = new NonGen("Non-Generics Test");  
    String str = (string) strOb.getob();  
    Console.WriteLine("value: " + str);  
Type of ob is System.Int32
value: 102

Type of ob is System.String
value: Non-Generics Test

18.1.1.Life without generics
18.1.2.Generic Type Reflection