A FileReader : StreamReader « File Directory Stream « C# / CSharp Tutorial

To perform character-based file operations, you wrap a FileStream inside either a StreamReader or a StreamWriter.

using System; 
using System.IO;  
class MainClass { 
  public static void Main() { 
    FileStream fin; 
    string s; 
    try { 
      fin = new FileStream("test.txt", FileMode.Open); 
    catch(FileNotFoundException exc) { 
      Console.WriteLine(exc.Message + "Cannot open file."); 
      return ; 
    StreamReader fstr_in = new StreamReader(fin); 
    // Read the file line-by-line. 
    while((s = fstr_in.ReadLine()) != null) { 

15.20.1.A FileReader
15.20.2.Use StreamReader to read a line from a text file
15.20.3.Demonstrate StringReader and StringWriter
15.20.4.Create StreamReader through FileStream
15.20.5.Read decimal, string and char from a file using FileStream and StreamReader
15.20.6.Create StringReader from String
15.20.7.StreamReader: ReadLine
15.20.8.StreamReader: ReadToEnd()
15.20.9.Read one character at a time
15.20.10.Create StreamReader from a URL
15.20.11.Stream Read with StreamReader