How to read a character entered using the keyboard : Console Read « Development « C# / CSharp Tutorial

class MainClass

  public static void Main()

    System.Console.Write("Enter a character: ");
    char myChar = (char) System.Console.Read();
    System.Console.WriteLine("You entered " + myChar);


Enter a character:     q
You entered

14.6.Console Read
14.6.1.Reading Console Input
14.6.2.Read a character from the keyboard.
14.6.3.Input from the console using ReadLine().
14.6.4.Read a string from the keyboard, using Console.In directly
14.6.5.Read input from console
14.6.6.Read user selection from keyboard
14.6.7.How to read a character entered using the keyboard
14.6.8.How to read a string entered using the keyboard