System.Array is a base class for all arrays in C# : Array « Data Structure « C# / CSharp Tutorial

Properties Defined by Array

public virtual bool IsFixedSizeIs the array fixed size or dynamic.(read-only property)
public virtual bool IsReadOnlyIs the array read-only. (read-only property).
public virtual bool IsSynchronizedIs the array safe for use in a multithreaded environment. (read-only property)
public int LengthThe number of elements in the array. (read-only property)
public int RankThe dimensions in the array. (read-only property)
public virtual object SyncRootA read-only property that contains the object that must be used to synchronize access to the array.

11.1.1.A one-dimensional array.
11.1.2.Declaring and Accessing an Array
11.1.3.Initializing Anonymous Type Arrays
11.1.4.System.Array is a base class for all arrays in C#
11.1.5.Methods Defined by Array
11.1.6.Declare the array and instantiate the array
11.1.7.Set array element value by index(subscript)
11.1.8.Array Declaration with initialization
11.1.9.Use for each loop to output elements in an array
11.1.10.Array Inherited Members: get array type
11.1.11.Array Inherited Members: Rank and Length
11.1.12.Array Inherited Members: GetLength(0)
11.1.13.Use ArraySegment to store string array