Stack and Queue are both ICollection : Stack « Data Structure « C# / CSharp Tutorial

using System;
using System.Collections;

  class Class1
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string input = "this is a test";
            string[] names = input.Split( ' ' );

            PrintCollection( "Input", names );

            TestStack( names );
            TestQueue( names );

        static void PrintCollection( string name, ICollection coll )
            Console.Write( name + ": " );
            foreach( object elem in coll )
                Console.Write( elem.ToString() + ' ' );
        static void TestStack( string[] names )
            Stack nameStack = new Stack();

            foreach( string name in names )
                nameStack.Push( name );
                Console.WriteLine( "Pushed value: {0}", name );
                PrintCollection( "New Stack", nameStack );
            int pops = Int32.Parse( Console.ReadLine() );
            for( int i = 1; i <= pops; i++ )
                Console.WriteLine( "Popped value: " + nameStack.Pop());
                PrintCollection( "Stack after " + i.ToString() + " pops", nameStack );
        static void TestQueue( string[] names )
            Queue nameQueue = new Queue();
            foreach( string name in names )
                nameQueue.Enqueue( name );
                Console.WriteLine( "Enqueued value: {0}", name );
                PrintCollection( "New Queue", nameQueue );

            Console.Write( "Dequeue how many items? " );
            int dequeues = Int32.Parse( Console.ReadLine() );
            for( int i = 1; i <= dequeues; i++ )
                Console.WriteLine( "Dequeued value: " + nameQueue.Dequeue());
                PrintCollection( "Queue after ", nameQueue );

11.39.1.Push and pop value
11.39.2.Clear a stack
11.39.3.Pop and Peek
11.39.4.Stack And Queue
11.39.5.Stack and Queue are both ICollection