Generic method for IComparable : IComparable « Data Structure « C# / CSharp Tutorial

using System; 
class MyClass : IComparable { 
  public int val; 
  public MyClass(int x) { val = x; } 
  // Implement IComparable. 
  public int CompareTo(object obj) { 
    return val - ((MyClass) obj).val; 
class MainClass { 
  public static bool isIn<T>(T what, T[] obs) where T : IComparable { 
    foreach(T v in obs) 
      if(v.CompareTo(what) == 0) // now OK, uses CompareTo() 
        return true; 
    return false; 
  public static void Main() { 
    // Use isIn() with int. 
    int[] nums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; 
    if(isIn(2, nums)) 
      Console.WriteLine("2 is found."); 
    // Use isIn() with string. 
    string[] strs = { "one", "two", "Three"}; 
    if(isIn("two", strs)) 
      Console.WriteLine("two is found."); 
    // Use isIn with MyClass. 
    MyClass[] mcs = { new MyClass(1), new MyClass(2), 
                      new MyClass(3), new MyClass(4) }; 
    if(isIn(new MyClass(3), mcs)) 
      Console.WriteLine("MyClass(3) is found."); 
    if(isIn(new MyClass(99), mcs)) 
      Console.WriteLine("This won't display."); 
2 is found.
two is found.
MyClass(3) is found.

11.41.1.Implement IComparable
11.41.2.Generic method for IComparable
11.41.3.ComplexNumber: Implement System.IComparable
11.41.4.Define your own comparasion type and Comparer