Copy the values from Hashtable into an array using the CopyTo() method and then display the array contents : Hashtable « Data Structure « C# / CSharp Tutorial
- C# / CSharp Tutorial
- Data Structure
- Hashtable
using System;
using System.Collections;
class MainClass
public static void Main()
Hashtable myHashtable = new Hashtable();
myHashtable.Add("AL", "Alabama");
myHashtable.Add("CA", "California");
myHashtable.Add("FL", "Florida");
myHashtable.Add("NY", "New York");
myHashtable.Add("WY", "Wyoming");
foreach (string myKey in myHashtable.Keys)
Console.WriteLine("myKey = " + myKey);
foreach(string myValue in myHashtable.Values)
Console.WriteLine("myValue = " + myValue);
Console.WriteLine("Copying values to myValues array");
string[] myValues = new string[5];
myHashtable.Values.CopyTo(myValues, 0);
for (int counter = 0; counter < myValues.Length; counter++)
Console.WriteLine("myValues[" + counter + "] = " + myValues[counter]);
myKey = NY
myKey = CA
myKey = FL
myKey = WY
myKey = AL
myValue = New York
myValue = California
myValue = Florida
myValue = Wyoming
myValue = Alabama
Copying values to myValues array
myValues[0] = New York
myValues[1] = California
myValues[2] = Florida
myValues[3] = Wyoming
myValues[4] = Alabama