All three generic overloads of the Array.IndexOf method. : Array Exist Find « Data Structure « C# / CSharp Tutorial

using System;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        string[] dinosaurs = { "A","B","C","F","D","A","E" };

        foreach(string dinosaur in dinosaurs)

        Console.WriteLine("\nArray.IndexOf(dinosaurs, \"A\"): {0}", Array.IndexOf(dinosaurs, "A"));

        Console.WriteLine("\nArray.IndexOf(dinosaurs, \"A\", 3): {0}", Array.IndexOf(dinosaurs, "A", 3));

        Console.WriteLine("\nArray.IndexOf(dinosaurs, \"A\", 2, 2): {0}", Array.IndexOf(dinosaurs, "A", 2, 2));

11.14.Array Exist Find
11.14.1.Demonstrate Predicate delegate
11.14.2.Use Array.Exists to check if a certain element exist
11.14.3.Use Array.Find to find array elements end with s
11.14.4.Use Array.FindLast to find the string element ends with s
11.14.6.All three generic overloads of the Array.IndexOf method.
11.14.7.Array.LastIndexOf demo
11.14.8.Using Array.TrueForAll for testing if array elements all end with string s