Create a delegate by declaration : Anonymous delegate « delegate « C# / CSharp Tutorial

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
class Program {
    delegate string delegateTest(string val);

    static void Main(string[] args) {
        string mid = ", middle part,";

        delegateTest d = delegate(string param) {
            param += mid;
            param += " and this was added to the string.";
            return param;

        Console.WriteLine(d("Start of string"));


9.4.Anonymous delegate
9.4.1.Create a delegate by declaration
9.4.2.Anonymous delegate method
9.4.3.An anonymous method.
9.4.4.An anonymous method that takes an argument.
9.4.5.An anonymous method that returns a value.
9.4.6.Demonstrate a captured variable.
9.4.7.Anonymous delegate methods
9.4.8.Anonymous Methods
9.4.9.anonymous method delegate invocation