Visibility modifiers indicate which other code items can view an item. : Access Modifier « Class « C# / CSharp Tutorial

Modifier           Applies To                                           Description

public             Any types or members                                 visible to any other code.

protected          Any member of a type, also any nested type           visible only to any derived type.

internal           Any member of a type, also any nested type           visible only within its containing assembly.

private            Any types or members                                 visible only inside the type to which it belongs.

protected internal Any member of a type, also any nested type           visible to any code within its containing assembly and also to any code inside a derived type.

7.15.Access Modifier
7.15.1.C#'s Access Specifiers
7.15.2.The use of various access modifiers
7.15.3.Access Control - demonstrate the various forms of access control
7.15.4.Visibility modifiers indicate which other code items can view an item.