The modifiers can be applied to members of types, and have various uses. : Class Definition « Class « C# / CSharp Tutorial

Modifier           Applies To                                       Description

new                Function members                                 hides an inherited member with the same signature.

static             All members                                      does not operate on a specific instance of the class.

virtual            Classes and function members only                can be overridden by a derived class.

abstract           Function members only                            A virtual member that defines the signature of the member, but doesn't provide an implementation.

override           Function members only                            overrides an inherited virtual or abstract member.

sealed             Classes                                          overrides an inherited virtual member, but cannot be overridden by any classes that inherit from this class.

extern             static [DllImport] methods only                  implemented externally, in a different language.

7.1.Class Definition
7.1.1.Class Fundamentals
7.1.2.The General Form of a Class
7.1.3.A Simple Class showing class definition syntax
7.1.4.A simple, but complete, C# class.
7.1.5.A Simple Class with member fields and constrctor
7.1.6.Declare an object of type Building
7.1.7.Create two objects for one class
7.1.8.Copy a class
7.1.9.Encapsulation example
7.1.10.Class can contain class
7.1.11.Inherited member methods and fields
7.1.12.Reference to Base Class
7.1.13.Implement multiple interfaces
7.1.14.Extends class and implements interface
7.1.15.C# Accessibility Keywords
7.1.16.The modifiers can be applied to members of types, and have various uses.
7.1.17.Value Types: class vs struct