using System; public class A { public virtual void SomeMethod() { Console.WriteLine( "A::SomeMethod" ); } } public class B : A { public void SomeMethod() { Console.WriteLine( "B::SomeMethod" ); } } public class MainClass { static void Main() { B b = new B(); A a = b; a.SomeMethod(); } }
7.24.override | ||||
7.24.1. | Virtual and override member function | |||
7.24.2. | Override without 'override' keyword | |||
7.24.3. | Three-level Override methods | |||
7.24.4. | new method: not override | |||
7.24.5. | Overridden Equals() | |||
7.24.6. | Overriding Virtual Methods | |||
7.24.7. | Resolving Ambiguity with the override Modifier | |||
7.24.8. | Resolving Ambiguity with the new Keyword | |||
7.24.9. | PrintValue() Added to the BaseClass Class |