Interfaces : interface « Class « C# / CSharp Tutorial

  1. An interface provides no implementation.
  2. Interfaces are declared by using the interface keyword.

Here is a simplified form of an interface declaration:

interface name {
        ret-type method-name1(param-list);
        ret-type method-name2(param-list);
        // ...
        ret-type method-nameN(param-list);

7.32.2.Interface Properties
7.32.3.Creating an interface.
7.32.4.Use interface keyword to define an interface
7.32.5.Implement an interface
7.32.6.Multiple Implementation: implement two interfaces
7.32.7.Inherited interface
7.32.8.Declare an interface and implement it
7.32.9.Interfaces and Inheritance
7.32.10.Base class and interface
7.32.11.Duplicate Interface Members
7.32.12.Accessing an interface from a class.
7.32.13.Abstract Interface: how the abstract BaseClass can interface.
7.32.14.Multiple Interfaces
7.32.15.Interface Explicit Implementation