using System;
using System.Text;
class Sample {
public static void Main() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("abcd");
String str1 = "abcd";
String str2 = null;
Object o2 = null;
Console.WriteLine("String.Equals(Object). Object is a StringBuilder, not a String.");
Console.WriteLine("Is str1 equal to sb?: {0}", str1.Equals(sb));
Console.WriteLine("String.Equals(Object). Object is a String.");
str2 = sb.ToString();
o2 = str2;
Console.WriteLine("The value of Object o2 is '{0}'.", o2);
Console.WriteLine("Is str1 equal to o2?: {0}", str1.Equals(o2));
Console.WriteLine("The value of String str2 is '{0}'.", str2);
Console.WriteLine("Is str1 equal to str2?: {0}", str1.Equals(str2));
Console.WriteLine("String.Equals(String, String)");
Console.WriteLine("Is str1 equal to str2?: {0}", String.Equals(str1, str2));