The bool Type : boolean Data Type « Data Type « C# / CSharp Tutorial

  1. The bool type represents true/false values.
  2. C# defines the values true and false using the reserved words 'true' and 'false'.
  3. A variable or expression of type bool will be one of these two values.
  4. There is no conversion defined between bool and integer values.

The Boolean structure supports the bool data type.:

public static readonly string FalseString
      public static readonly string TrueString

These contain the human-readable forms of true and false.

Boolean implements the following interfaces:

  1. IComparable and
  2. IConvertible.

Methods Defined by Boolean

public int CompareTo(object v)Returns zero if the values are equal. Returns a negative value if the invoking object is false and v is true. Returns a positive value if the invoking object is true and v is false.
public override bool Equals(object v)Returns true if the value of the invoking object equals the value of v.
public override int GetHashCode()Returns the hash code.
public TypeCode GetTypeCode()Returns the TypeCode enumeration value for Boolean, which is TypeCode.Boolean.
public static bool Parse(string str)Parses the string. If the string is neither "True" nor "False", an exception is thrown. However, case differences are ignored.
public override string ToString()Convert to string.
string ToString(IFormatProvider fmtpvdr)Convert to string using the culture-specific information specified in fmtpvdr.

2.2.boolean Data Type
2.2.1.The bool Type
2.2.2.Output a boolean variable with Console.WriteLine
2.2.3.bool values in if statement
2.2.4.if statement with bool variable
2.2.5.Declare 3 bools on a single line
2.2.6.Using ToString() to Convert to a string
2.2.7.Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Boolean type