Assign value to a char type : char « Data Type « C# / CSharp Tutorial

  1. C# uses a 16-bit character type called Unicode.
  2. Unicode defines a character set that is large enough to represent all of the characters found in all human languages.
  3. There are no automatic type conversions from integer to char.

Char supplies methods that allow you to process and categorize characters.

Char defines the following fields:

  1. public const char MaxValue
  2. public const char MinValue

These represent the largest and smallest values that a char variable can hold.

Char implements the following interfaces: IComparable and IConvertible.

using System;

class MainClass
  static void Main(string[] args)
    char MyChar = 'A';

2.18.1.Assign value to a char type
2.18.2.Methods Defined by Char
2.18.3.Character Escape Sequences
2.18.4.Char: IsDigit
2.18.5.Char: IsLetter
2.18.6.Char: IsLower/IsUpper
2.18.7.Char: IsSymbol
2.18.8.Char: IsSeparator
2.18.9.Char: IsWhiteSpace
2.18.10.Char: IsPunctuation
2.18.11.Convert character to upper case
2.18.12.Use a char to control the switch.
2.18.13.Get characters in a string
2.18.14.Using the Plus Operator with the char Data Type
2.18.15.Char type Functionality
2.18.16.Determining the Character Difference between Two Characters
2.18.17.Displaying Each Character's ASCII Value in Descending Order
2.18.18.Using Unicode Encoding to Display a Smiley Face