Throwing Exceptions: ArgumentNullException : Predefined Exception « Language Basics « C# / CSharp Tutorial

using System;

class MainClass
   static void Main()
      string arg = null;
         if (arg == null)
            ArgumentNullException MyEx = new ArgumentNullException();
            throw MyEx;
      catch (ArgumentNullException e)
         Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", e.Message);
Message: Value cannot be null.

1.23.Predefined Exception
1.23.1.Use the NullReferenceException.
1.23.2.Throwing Exceptions: ArgumentNullException
1.23.3.Handle ArgumentOutOfRangeException
1.23.4.Check OverflowException for long
1.23.5.Generate an index out-of-bounds exception
1.23.6.Define exception variable in catch statement: DivideByZeroException