The System.Exception Class : Exception « Language Basics « C# / CSharp Tutorial

  1. In C#, exceptions are represented by classes.
  2. All exception classes must be derived from the built-in exception class System.Exception.
  3. SystemException class and ApplicationException class are derived from System.Exception.
  4. SystemException support exceptions generated by the C# runtime system (that is, the Common Language Runtime)
  5. ApplicationException support exceptions generated by application programs.
  6. SystemException and ApplicationException add nothing to Exception.
  7. SystemException and ApplicationException define the tops of two different exception hierarchies.

1.17.1.The Exception Hierarchy
1.17.2.The System.Exception Class
1.17.3.A Closer Look at Exception
1.17.4.Using Exception members
1.17.5.Exception propagation with methods
1.17.6.An unhandled exception
1.17.7.Commonly Used Exceptions Defined Within the System Namespace
1.17.8.Handling a possible exception.