System defines the core of the C# library. : System « Language Basics « C# / CSharp Tutorial

The Members of System

  1. Activator
  2. AppDomain
  3. AppDomainSetup
  4. Array
  5. AssemblyLoadEventArgs
  6. Attribute
  7. AttributeUsageAttribute
  8. BitConverter
  9. Buffer
  10. CharEnumerator
  11. CLSCompliantAttribute
  12. Console
  13. ContextBoundObject
  14. ContextStaticAttribute
  15. Convert
  16. DBNull
  17. Delegate
  18. Enum
  19. Environment
  20. EventArgs
  21. Exception
  22. FlagsAttribute
  23. GC
  24. LoaderOptimizationAttribute
  25. LocalDataStoreSlot
  26. MarshalByRefObject
  27. Math
  28. MTAThreadAttribute
  29. MulticastDelegate
  30. NonSerializedAttribute
  31. Object
  32. ObsoleteAttribute
  33. OperatingSystem
  34. ParamArrayAttribute
  35. Random
  36. ResolveEventArgs
  37. SerializableAttribute
  38. STAThreadAttribute
  39. String
  40. ThreadStaticAttribute
  41. TimeZone
  42. Type
  43. UnhandledExceptionEventArgs
  44. Uri
  45. UriBuilder
  46. ValueType
  47. Version
  48. WeakReference
1.7.1.System defines the core of the C# library.
1.7.2.System defines the following structures:
1.7.3.System defines the following interfaces:
1.7.4.System defines the following delegates:
1.7.5.System defines these enumerations: