Exception Handling Fundamentals : Try Catch « Language Basics « C# / CSharp Tutorial

C# exception handling is managed via four keywords: try, catch, throw, and finally.

try {
        // block of code to monitor for errors
    catch (ExcepType1 exOb) {
        // handler for ExcepType1 
    catch (ExcepType2 exOb) {
        // handler for ExcepType2 

If no exception is thrown by a try block, no catch statements will be executed and program control resumes after the catch statement.

1.18.Try Catch
1.18.1.Exception Handling Fundamentals
1.18.2.Exception handling with trying and catching
1.18.3.Handle error gracefully and continue.
1.18.4.Use multiple catch statements.
1.18.5.Use the 'catch all' catch statement.
1.18.6.Use a nested try block.
1.18.7.Catch exception with wrong type inside a function
1.18.8.A try, catch, and finally block without Exception class declaration
1.18.9.How to handle a specific exception
1.18.10.Let the C# runtime system handle the error.
1.18.11.Catch statement without exception variable
1.18.12.Catch System.NullReferenceException