printf : printf « stdio.h « C Tutorial

Header filestdio.h
Declarationint printf(const char *format, ...);
Functiondisplay message by format.
Returnthe number of characters actually printed. A negative value indicates failure.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){
 printf("Hi %c %d %s", 'c', 10, "there!");
Hi c 10 there!

The printf() Format Specifiers

%aHexadecimal output in the form 0xh.hhhhp+d (C99 only).
%AHexadecimal output in the form 0Xh.hhhhP+d (C99 only).
%dSigned decimal integers.
%iSigned decimal integers.
%eScientific notation (lowercase e).
%EScientific notation (uppercase E).
%fDecimal floating point.
%FDecimal floating point (C99 only; produces uppercase INF, INFINITY, or NAN when applied to infinity or a value that is not a number. The %f specifier produces lowercase equivalents.)
%gUses %e or %f, whichever is shorter.
%GUses %E or %F, whichever is shorter.
%oUnsigned octal.
%sString of characters.
%uUnsigned decimal integers.
%xUnsigned hexadecimal (lowercase letters).
%XUnsigned hexadecimal (uppercase letters).
%pDisplays a pointer.
%nThe associated argument must be a pointer to an integer. This specifier causes the number of characters written (up to the point at which the %n is encountered) to be stored in that integer.
%%Prints a percent sign.
